Who Are We

asap's unique selling point is our rapid ability for fleet procurement that responds to customers on point. We seek to provide convenience towards customers, leaving them the highest satisfaction for our service. Our Vision is "to be a market leader in providing complete solutions related to mobility. by focusing on innovation and new technologies to fulfill the needs of customers"

There are 8 types of business operations as follows:
  1. Long-term car rental for serving corporate customers; most of these involve 3- to 5-year contracts with customers; operating lease are composed of various services such as fleet procurement, fleet-tailored modification, fleet maintenance, replacement cars and other related services.
  2. Short-term car rental services for serving ordinary customers
  3. Limousine rental services are aimed at operating rental for corporate customers who prefer to lease cars withchauffer services; this type provides the same services as operating rental but withthe added services ofchauffers and car and chauffer management.
  4. Car rental service through an application (asap App), which focuses on providing services to corporate customers. This is an application that focuses on expanding its base to retail customers (B2C) under the concept of asap Mobility Solution to offer products and services to meet the lifestyles of the new generation who favor the use ofcar services rent increase. This will be a collection of products and services ofasap, allowing customers to use a complete range ofservices, from car reservations for shortterm rentals and car rental based on actual usage under the brand "asap GO" The app will be able to buy used cars and apply for loans from financial institutions as well.
  5. Lifestyle Mall (asap Auto Park), car rental center and complete used cars Including food and beverage outlets.
  6. asap Select franchises, service centers for short-term car rentals and second-hand car sales.
  7. Non-life Insurance Brocker (subsidiary company)
  8. Distributor Changan of Thailand (subsidiary company) .